The School of Modern Soul Science presents:
The SoMSS Curriculum
Healing and Harnessing the Crisis of the Modern Shamanic Call

You are about to encounter...

The ideal curriculum
to light your way
through this cave.

The shamanic archetype is universal.

It emerges in all cultures, throughout all periods of history.

The emergence of the shamanic archetype is triggered by CRISIS.

And in 2022, the world is going through an unprecedented crisis...

...and the shamanic archetype is emerging on a global scale... a healing and redemptive response... guide us through a process of death and spiritual rebirth.

As the shamanic archetype emerges in you... can either surf the wave, or risk drowning.

Now is the time to dive deep into your initiation process!

This is a precious opportunity.

There has never been a more urgent time for you to fully embrace your shamanic calling, and dive wholeheartedly into your initiation process.

And if you've already been diving... is the time to dive deeper!

The School of Modern Soul Science offers the ideal program to guide you through a modern Western shamanic initiation crisis.

With a curriculum that is:

  1. Connected to the Western Lineage of Shamanic Wisdom and Elderhood.

  2. That is ideally suited for the spiritual conditions Westerners face in 2022.

  3. That combines shamanism, esotericism, occult science, creativity, and psychology.

This curriculum will guide you through a profound inner dive...

...where you will unlock the transformational powers of your soul...

...learn the secrets of soul alchemy...

...and forge a golden vessel to receive your Higher Self and higher purpose.

Alchemy's "Great Work"...

...and the journey of shamanic initiation...

...have always required two conditions in order to thrive:


In 2022, you are facing a multi-faceted healing CRISIS...

...and you have more opportunity for INTROVERSION than you've possibly ever had.

And these two conditions - CRISIS and INTROVERSION - are exactly what this curriculum harnesses and magically transmutes into:

  1. Profound self-knowledge

  2. Healing and illumination of your individual soul and your ancestral soul

  3. The revelation of your Higher Self

This program is a magical alchemical vessel, that gives you the crucial ingredients  you need to transmute the negative potential of this crisis...

...into new life, vigorous purpose, wisdom, knowledge, and initiatory rebirth.

So this is an opportunity to access a revolutionary body of knowledge...

...that will act like a light in the darkness...

...and guide you wisely through this initiation crisis, to a renewed life and awakened purpose.

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You are at a crossroads,
and you need to make a choice.

There are two caves in front of you - the Cave of Initiation, and the Cave of Illusion.

You have to enter a cave, and stay there longer than you might want.

You don't have much of a choice about that right now.

But you can choose which of these two cave you are going to enter.

Is it going to be the Cave of Initiation? Where you cut away all the illusions, dive courageously down into the mysteries of your own being, and have a life-changing encounter with your true Higher Self?

Or will you allow yourself to live in the Cave of Illusion? And waste this precious opportunity watching movies, TV, fear-mongering news, and an endless stream of Youtube videos and facebook feeds?

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This program provides guidance for the first choice:


I created this curriculum specifically for Westerners undergoing a spiritual emergence... give you the ideal alchemical vessel...

...for you to dive deeply into your modern day journey of initiation... where you live, here in the year 2022.

This is a modern Western school of shamanism and occult sciences, firmly grounded in an unbroken chain of ancestral wisdom...

...firmly committed to the good, the light, and the truth...

...with a truthful teacher...
...a wise and compassionate community...

...and a curriculum that is especially suited for times of crisis, illness, death, awakening and rebirth.

So I invite you now to explore this precious opportunity.

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In this program, you will work to:

  1.  Know Thy Higher Self

  2.  Heal and Illuminate Thy Lower Self

  3.  Know Thy Higher Purpose

  4.  Accomplish Thy Higher Purpose

  5.  Heal and Rectify Thy Ancestral Lineage

  6.  Heal and Redeem Thy Ancestors

  7.  Resurrect and Regenerate Thy Culture

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Learn the ART and SCIENCE of navigating the stormy seas of a modern shamanic calling, to heal your soul, actualize your potential as a shamanic individual living in Western society, and accomplish your purpose in the world at this time of great crisis.
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Connect to the ancestral shamanic wisdom hidden within Western civilization...
...restore your connection to an ancestral lineage reaching back thousands of years...

...and become a beacon of healing force, courage, wisdom, light, compassion, trustworthy guidance, and clear discernment in the troubled world in which you live.
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"I recommend this program to anybody seeking to explore the deeper levels underlying the contemporary manifestations of shamanism and shamanic vocation. Andrew Camargo is a profound and pioneering thinker who has dedicated his life to making the ancient Mystery School wisdom available for us today. Anyone will benefit greatly from taking this."

- Daniel Pinchbeck
acclaimed author of "Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into the Heart of Contemporary Shamanism", "2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl", "Notes from the Edge Times", and "How Soon Is Now?"
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